Keithley 2450 Graphical Series SourceMeter SMU: Precision Measurement and Control

Keithley 2450 Graphical Series SourceMeter SMU: Precision Measurement and Control


Keithley 2450 Graphical Series SourceMeter SMU:

4-quadrant source and measure unit
1000V/1A/100W output
0.012% basic accuracy
5.5-digit resolution
* Built-in graphical display and data logging

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Keithley 2450 Graphical Series SourceMeter SMU

The Ultimate Source and Measurement Solution for Precision Characterization

The Keithley 2450 Graphical Series SourceMeter SMU is a versatile and powerful instrument that combines the capabilities of a precision source and a high-resolution measurement unit in a single, compact package. It offers an intuitive graphical user interface, making it easy to set up and operate, even for complex measurements.

Product Specifications:

Voltage Source: 0 to 1000V, 100mA
Current Source: 0 to 100mA, 1000V
Voltage Measurement: 10nV to 1000V, 1fA
Current Measurement: 10fA to 100mA, 10nV

Features and Benefits:

Graphical User Interface: The intuitive graphical user interface simplifies setup and operation, allowing you to quickly configure measurements and visualize results.
Precision Source and Measurement: The 2450 provides highly accurate and stable voltage and current sources, as well as high-resolution voltage and current measurements.
Wide Measurement Range: The wide measurement range enables characterization of a variety of devices, from low-power semiconductors to high-power electronics.
Pulse Measurement Capability: The 2450 can generate and measure pulses with precise timing and amplitude control, making it ideal for characterizing transient behavior.
Data Logging and Analysis: The built-in data logging and analysis capabilities allow you to capture and analyze measurement data over time, providing valuable insights into device performance.

Value to the Customer:

The Keithley 2450 Graphical Series SourceMeter SMU offers exceptional value to customers by:

Simplifying Complex Measurements: The intuitive graphical user interface and powerful measurement capabilities make it easy to perform even the most complex characterization tasks.
Improving Accuracy and Reliability: The precision source and measurement capabilities ensure accurate and reliable results, reducing the risk of errors and improving confidence in data.
Accelerating Time-to-Market: The wide measurement range and pulse measurement capability enable rapid characterization of devices, accelerating product development and time-to-market.
* Enhancing Productivity: The data logging and analysis capabilities streamline the measurement process, saving time and increasing productivity.

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