Keithley 2401 SourceMeter: Precision SMU for Low-Voltage Applications

Keithley 2401 SourceMeter: Precision SMU for Low-Voltage Applications


Keithley 2401 SourceMeter: Low-voltage SMU instrument with 20 V, 1 A, 20 W output, ideal for characterizing low-power devices and materials.

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Keithley 2401 SourceMeter: Precision Measurement and Control for Low-Voltage Applications

The Keithley 2401 SourceMeter is a versatile and high-performance instrument designed for precise measurement and control of low-voltage devices and circuits. With its advanced capabilities, it empowers engineers and researchers to characterize and test a wide range of electronic components and systems.

Product Specifications:

Voltage Range: 0 to 20 V
Current Range: 0 to 1 A
Power Range: 0 to 20 W
Resolution: 100 nV, 100 pA
Accuracy: 0.02% + 100 nV
Interface: USB, GPIB, RS-232

Features and Benefits:

High-Precision Measurements: The 2401 SourceMeter provides highly accurate and stable measurements of voltage, current, and resistance, enabling precise characterization of electronic devices.
Versatile Source and Sink Capabilities: It can act as both a voltage source and a current source, allowing for flexible testing and simulation of various circuit conditions.
Wide Dynamic Range: The instrument’s wide voltage and current ranges make it suitable for testing a diverse range of devices, from low-power sensors to high-current power supplies.
Intuitive User Interface: The 2401 SourceMeter features an easy-to-use graphical interface that simplifies setup, data acquisition, and analysis.
Remote Control and Automation: It supports remote control via USB, GPIB, and RS-232 interfaces, enabling integration into automated test systems.

Value to the Customer:

The Keithley 2401 SourceMeter offers exceptional value to customers by:

Enhancing Measurement Accuracy: Its high precision and accuracy ensure reliable and repeatable measurements, reducing the risk of errors and improving product quality.
Simplifying Test and Characterization: Its versatile capabilities and intuitive interface streamline the testing process, saving time and effort.
Expanding Testing Capabilities: The wide dynamic range and source/sink functionality allow for testing a broader range of devices and applications.
* Improving Productivity: Remote control and automation capabilities enable efficient integration into automated test systems, increasing productivity and reducing labor costs.

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